Welcome to Ashgrove Forum

Ashgrove Forum is a friendly, supportive group that meets once a month in the Brisbane inner city area.  The aim of our meetings is to improve confidence and communication skills.  Members learn and practise public speaking, how meetings run, the roles and duties of office bearers and workshop facilitation.  Feel free to contact us if you would like to learn new skills, enhance your abilities and meet new people.  Visitors are always welcome.

Check out our Find a Forum link above for Forum clubs for wider Queensland residents.

Email: forum@beconfident.org.au

Facebook – Forum Communicators: https://www.facebook.com/forumcommunicators/

Health and Safety

Please do not attend if you are experiencing any cold and flu symptoms.



Ashgrove Forum meets at 6:45pm on the 3rd Wednesday of the month.

Meetings are held in the meeting room at the rear of the Ashgrove Library

87 Amarina Ave, Ashgrove

RSVP:  Please email us any time before the meeting to confirm details: forum@beconfident.org.au

Dress: casual/smart casual/work wear

Suits 16 years and above.


What others are saying …

If you value feeling confident at work and in social settings and want to communicate effectively for personal and professional success – join Forum!   – Ben, Bayside Forum

I was introduced to Forum by an amazingly helpful member whose guidance and mentoring helped me quickly see the importance of both speaking with confidence and being able to run an effective meeting in my role then as Retirement Living Officer.  Attaining and practising those skills meant that all avenues of my life changed and so many opportunities opened up.   I am forever grateful to Forum for its inspirational leaders and members.   – Elaine, Bayside Forum


Calendar of upcoming meetings  – please note that many of our meetings include speeches AND learning segments to assist you to become a confident presenter

17th January 2024   –  Happy New Year!
All members are invited to deliver a speech to the title “An Historic Event in Australian History that has had an Impact” – this will definitely be an entertaining and informative evening.  The program also includes a tutorial on how to create and deliver ‘attention grabbing’ introductions and conclusions.

21st February 2024
Tonight all members are invited to deliver an entertaining speech to the topic of their choice.  We will also be presenting a tutorial entitled “Title, Topic, Theme” which will be thought provoking and informative.

20th March 2024
The title for speeches tonight is ‘Resilience’. Carmel will be the main speaker and all other members are invited to deliver follow up speeches to the same title (up to 5 minutes).  Tonight’s tutorial will be centred around using PowerPoint effectively in your presentations which will be a great learning segment for all aspiring speakers.

17th April 2024
All members are invited to deliver an informative speech on any topic they choose.  Other exciting content this evening will include a tutorial on how to introduce yourself at a work or social event in such a way that you will be remembered.

15th May 2024
Billie is our main speaker to tonight (Title TBA) and all other members are invited to deliver follow up speeches to the same  (for up to 5 minutes). We will also have a tutorial on how to deliver a great impromptu speech using some tried and true methods that we often practice at our Forum meetings.  We all love impromptu speaking don’t we!

19th June 2024
We will start the night off with our AGM and finish with impromptu speaking using the techniques we learnt  and practiced at our last meeting.  If you want to know how to run an AGM correctly – tonight is the night we can show you how it’s done as we hear the reports delivered by our President, Secretary and Treasurer, and hold elections for our incoming organising committee.

17th July 2024
Persuasive Speaking is the focus tonight and our members are invited to deliver a persuasive speech to the topic of their choice.  We will also be presenting a tutorial on Chairing a Meeting correctly, which is an important skill to know if you belong to any social or sporting organisations and wish to take on an active committee role.