Welcome to Bayside Forum

Bayside Forum is a friendly, supportive group that meets twice a month in the Wynnum-Manly area.  The aim of our meetings is to improve confidence and communication skills.  Members learn and practise public speaking, how meetings run, the roles and duties of office bearers and workshop facilitation.  Feel free to contact us if you would like to learn new skills, enhance your abilities and meet new people.  Visitors are always welcome.

Check out our Find a Forum link above for Forum clubs for wider Brisbane and Queensland residents.

Email: forum@beconfident.org.au or

Facebook Chat: http://m.me/baysideforum/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BaysideForum/

Facebook – Forum Communicators: https://www.facebook.com/forumcommunicators/


Bayside Forum meets at 7pm on 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month.

Meetings are usually held at the Wynnum Library from 7-8.30pm followed by supper

145 Florence St, Wynnum QLD 4178 (above Woolworths – take the lift!).

RSVP:  Please contact us at forum@beconfident.org.au  before the meeting.

Dress: casual/smart casual/work wear

Suits 16 years and above.


What others are saying …

I first joined Forum to gain some confidence to do best man speech at my friend’s wedding, the thought of getting up at such a big event in front of 120 people terrified me. The skills I learnt and opportunities available to put knowledge into practice was invaluable and I feel much more comfortable getting up in front of an audience in all situations than I did previously.  – Richard, Bayside Forum

I have been a member of Forum for twelve years and I keep coming back due to the fact that I learn something at every single meeting. The diverse topics and styles of speaking, speech, lecture and improvisation, just to name a few, gives each meeting its uniqueness. I look forward to the feedback given to the speakers as we can all take something from it. The friendly and supportive nature of the meeting is what makes it so fun!   – Anna, Bayside Forum

Health and Safety

Please do not attend if you are experiencing any cold and flu symptoms.

Calendar of upcoming meetings – please note that many of our meetings include speeches AND learning segments to assist you to become a confident presenter

24th January 2024
The title for tonight’s speeches is Australia Today – where to from here?  Our main speaker is Tania and all other members are invited to speak to the same title for up to 5 minutes.

14th February 2024
We are planning light-hearted meeting for tonight to celebrate all things Valentine. Please feel free to dress up for a A Valentine’s Day Wedding.

28th February 2024
All members are invited to speak to the title Infamous CharactersWe will also be having a special video presentation – stay tuned there more details to come!

13th March 2024 
Tonight is a special promotional meeting to showcase all the wonderful things about Forum, including great speeches and a workshop on Understanding Meeting Procedure

27th March 2024
Great Australian Inventions is the title for tonight’s speeches. Anna is our main speaker and members are invited to deliver follow up speeches to the same title.

10th April 2024
Our main speaker tonight is Kate who will be speaking to the title Holidays. Members are invited to present a follow up speech to the same title.  Tonight’s program also includes a workshop on Speech Construction.  Please join us and learn how to create a well structured & memorable presentation.

24th April 2024
Tonight Elaine will be presenting her research on Events that Shaped a Nation. Following on from this presentation, others are invited to speak to the title ANZAC Day – what it means to me.

8th May 2024
We have a fun night planned: Nora will be delivering a 10 minute speech on Australian Architecture & then we will be presenting a segment called “Liars Club”.  This involves three members telling a story, one of which is true and two are fictional. It’s up to everyone else to guess which is true.  This is a great exercise in persuasive speaking and is always very entertaining.

22nd May 2024
All members are invited to speak to the title Quotable Quotes and other Aussie-isms.  Sounds entertaining doesn’t it!

12th June 2024
Tonight is our Biannual General Meeting (BGM). This is the perfect opportunity for everyone (members & visitors alike) to learn how to run an effective meeting. Following on from the BGM, Ben will be delivering an informative presentation on Historical Cultural Cooking.

26th June 2024
The title for tonight’s speeches is Lessons from the Past and all members are invited to participate.

10th July 2024
Speeches to the title A New Beginning will be featured tonight and all members are welcome to speak for up to 5 minutes.  A learning segment will also be included on tonight’s program.